That clip is ADORABLE! Thanks for the reading recommendation. As for your first comment, as writers are we all "overthinkers" or maybe we just notice things more, pay more attention, feel things more deeply?

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It might be the most adorable thing I've seen all year! Agreed, writers tend to have a keen awareness of whatever we are experiencing within us or around us which can certainly enable "overthinking". It can be a superpower if we use it wisely!

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Jan 26Liked by Nicole C. Foster

OH Nicole! I was right there with you when you grew impatient and scorched the dress. As another overthinker prone to impatience and self pity, I could FEEL the spiral. I am so glad you were surrounded by girlfriends and had some tools tucked away in your emotional toolbox to help pull you out and let you enjoy the celebration for your friends. In other news: I have Signal Fires on my nightstand and am now encouraged to pick it up sooner than planned. And now I'm kinda interested in that Elin Hildebrand novel. I am so glad you are on a Tara Brach journey! I just started listening to her podcast meditations again each morning and am reminded of what a gift she has been for me and my own personal growth.

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The spiral was REAL! Signal Fires is compelling read and I'm not usually a fiction reader. I listened to it on Audible but plan to grab a copy to re-read in the future.

What a lovely way to start your mornings. I'm trying to not check e-mail first thing in the morning so I'm inspired to listen to Tara Brach's podcast meditations now that you've reminded me of them.

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Jan 25Liked by Nicole C. Foster

1) as someone who has known you for years, I can honestly say I’ve never once thought of you as being a mess. You always seem put together but this was a lovely reminder that even those who seemingly have it all together are still indeed human. 2) I read into virtually everything as well. Lately I’ve been reading a lot into work, specifically what others at work think of me, and also relationships with people who almost certainly are not contemplating things as deeply as I am. 3) I’m not reading anything at the moment, i unfortunately have never been a reader. But your book is on my list! Especially now that I gifted one to my friend I hope to read it so we can discuss as we read together. I also would like to try audio books soon, thanks for the reminder of that option!

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Taiina, you're a gem! Cheering you on as you work on reading more and reading into things less. Spotify just released audiobooks on their platform and you can listen to 15 hours per month- a great way to get in some reading without investing in other apps or paper books!

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